Interview with cameraman Snow Polar Bear
Photophotographer introduction

Interview with cameraman Snow Polar Bear

Born in Iwate in 1988 and raised in Aomori.
After working as an assistant in the excavation of the Iwate Prefecture Ruins, he learned graphic design, and became independent in 2018 after working at a printing company studio.
A photographer who takes consultations on product photography and corporate websites, starting with Swedish tea brands, and develops services centered on photography that is conscious of transmission, including SNS.

Interview with cameraman Snow Polar Bear

Please tell us how you became interested in photography and video

 I've loved visiting museums since I was a child. I also loved watching Coca-Cola Christmas commercials and Pocari Sweat commercials that had a refreshing feeling. In the photo, I was taking a picture of something familiar with “It's Sharun.”
 I was studying graphic design at a vocational school, and since I was placed in an environment where photographs and images were close to me, I often saw advertisements, commercials, posters, paper media, etc., and I became even more interested and interested.

When did you start photography

 It started when I was a graphic design college student in 2015 when I started shooting mainly familiar things, such as landscapes and people that I thought were “beautiful” and “something I wouldn't be attracted to.” I studied graphic design at a vocational school, and there were also photography classes with freelance photographer teachers, and I still remember that taking pictures was so much fun and I was excited to learn by myself.
 If I think back now, today's day will never come back, and I feel like I was taking pictures with a passion for wonderful moments, a feeling of elation, and a feeling that I didn't want to forget my memories.

 There was a period of about 5 years where I dropped out due to illness, and I think it led to feelings of “I want to cherish a moment or today's day” and “I want to take pictures” from the past where I was simply unable to do anything and was able to just stand by and watch the days that passed by.

Please tell me how you became a cameraman and the process leading up to becoming a cameraman

 I became depressed when I was 19, and continued to spend my life recuperating at home and going back and forth to the hospital.
 When I was 23 years old, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, and I was faced with strong fear and shock that I might die tomorrow, and I made a strong decision to do what I already loved and what I wanted to do. Since I was a child, I've loved art, design, ruins, and natural landscapes.

 After that, I made up my mind to go to a design college in Harajuku. After that, in order to save funds for rehabilitation and going to school for social rehabilitation, I helped with the excavation of ruins under my professor at the Iwate Prefecture Buried Cultural Properties Center while studying web design, computer operation, etc.

 I moved to Tokyo in 2015 and studied graphic design and photography classes at Tokyo Design College in Harajuku. My passion for photography grew day by day as I took pictures.

 I worked for a small design office once after graduating in 2017, but I couldn't give up on my path to photography and retired.

 I joined a printing company studio in 2018 and learned photography at a professional site from scratch, but at the end of 2018, I was seriously injured during shooting, and I was forced to retire, so I was forced to start working as a freelancer in mid-January 2019.
Preparation and experience were still lacking, so after my injury was completely healed, I continued shooting works, doing locational work, and studying on my own, taking photographs of business owners as a job, and the owner of a photo studio gave me experience in business trips, product photography, and school photography.

Please tell me the equipment used

 I'm using the EOS 5D Mark IV and EOS 5D Mark III.

Please tell me the first equipment you purchased

 This is Nikon D7000. At the time, I didn't understand anything, and it was the first SLR camera I bought after being recommended by an electronics retailer. After that, it broke down and I wanted to use it in various ways, so I bought a Canon EOS 6D cheaply, and while I was using it, the lenses were ready, and I became a Canon user.

What genres do you mainly shoot

 We shoot 70% of products and 30% of portraits. I have been involved in shooting catalogs for distribution advertisements, shooting for web media products, and shooting focusing on Swedish tea brands and SNS. I am good at shooting product images using my experience of learning graphics.
 I try to take delicate photos that add color to a pure white world.

What kind of clients do you mainly shoot with

 There are many companies that mainly ask you to take product images. These are the apparel company Bay Cruise, the Swedish tea brand Scandinavian tea, My Best, which has information media for web content articles, Okazaki Photo Studio, which has been indebted to them since the beginning of independence, and Kyoto cuisine Minokichi Foods.

Is there anything I'm glad I became a professional photographer

 After all, it's something you'll be happy about, and it's something you can ask for again. I am most happy to be able to pour in love and passion, and to hear from clients that it was good.
 I am most happy that they sincerely face the voice that I want to do this, listen to the story, and the moment the visuals that the client envisions fit right in, they are delighted.

Is there anything you value when shooting and interacting with customers

 It's not about being alone, and it's about clarifying what makes customers really happy after listening carefully to their voices. It's about thinking about even the parts that can't be verbalized, communicating closely, listening attentively, and facing the shooting with the maximum expression you can.
 In image shooting, it's about asking about your view of the world and what you want to convey, then quickly think about a visual that suits that client and proceed with shooting.

Are you particular about the equipment and development etc. at the time of shooting

 It's about showing color with soft, delicate light. I try to take delicate photos that add color to a pure white world.
 I carefully select shooting equipment based on how reliable I am and how I can perform well.

Do you take pictures as a hobby and what are they like

 As a hobby, when I go on a trip with my wife, I take pictures where I can feel the scenery, smells, sounds, and air we saw together. Today's day will never come back, and I'm putting off the shutter because of the wonderful moment, feeling uplifted, and feeling that I don't want to forget my memories.

What kind of photographer are you aiming for in the future

 I would like to be a photographer who can help companies and brands that are struggling with SNS image visuals and content to create and disseminate a unique worldview. I would like to work together to think about branding, its companies, and attractive parts of the brand, and how to communicate, and help with visuals that are sympathized with, approved, and loved by those watching.

 Also, I myself would like to work hard every day to become a photographer who is healed, energetic, and loved by everyone, like a polar bear in a pure white world.

Please leave a message for those looking for a cameraman

 If you have any problems or concerns about food photography, product photography, SNS visual suggestions, corporate photography, etc., please contact us. We would be happy if we could work together to think about content and visuals that can attractively convey the worldview of companies and brands.

 I am good at shooting product images by making use of my experience in learning graphics, so please feel free to contact us.


Yukino Polar Bear's Profile

Cherish relationships and be careful when shooting

Snow Polar BearSnow Polar Bear
Nice to meet you, my name is Yukino Polar Bear from a snowy country. I love black tea, and I mainly shoot Swedish tea brands throughout the year with product photography 8: person 2. Please feel free to contact us for product photography and corporate photography! [Polar Bear's Strengths] ・We listen to customer requests and try to take pictures carefully! ・I am good at using colors and using small items to complement products from my experience of learning graphic design. ・You can also discuss customer attraction, strengths, brand power, and corporate colors on SNS. ・Even if “the specific image of the photo you want to take has not been decided,” we will carefully listen to your request beforehand and make a proposal. Please feel free to contact us first! ・Other than photography, we also collect tea utensils, tableware, and equipment, so please feel free to contact us even if you are concerned about your budget! ・It is possible to handle shooting location issues at home. ・Business trip photography is also available! I'll bring the equipment and ask for it! [Examples of shooting support] Product, food, store photography (HP, menu, SNS, signboard, etc.) corporate photography fees (HP, company information, employees, new graduate recruitment, product brands, etc.) interview shooting fees (conversation, coverage, interviews, etc.), event photography (parties, seminars, lectures, etc.) drone photography (corporate PR, regional revitalization, events, stores, inspections, etc.) We also respond to photography consultations other than the above. If you don't have the menu you want, please feel free to contact us! [Ecology of Polar Bears] ・From a snowy country, Scandinavian, black tea-loving collector · I have a warm, modest personality · I love nature and my travel destinations are places rich in nature · I like hot springs (my brother is a hot spring sommelier) · My wife is a mental health specialist · I try to live a careful lifestyle like Scandinavia · My favorite Nebuta teacher is Chiba Sakuryu (5th generation Nebuta master)
Lives in Tokyo
Invoice registered
I wrote the article

Hiroki Yamamoto

CEO of Delta Creative Co., Ltd. /Photographer
He started taking cameras by himself, and has been active as a cameraman since he was a student, focusing on press photography. After working in the photography department for magazines and online media, he has been freelancing since 2011. We are involved in the development and operation of TOTTA. Born in Hiroshima.
Click here to request a photo shoot (photo office deltaphoto)

Professional Photo-Videographer and Drone Pilot