
Privacy Policy

Delta Creative Inc (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') defines in this Privacy Policy the handling of personal information of users (hereinafter referred to as 'Users') of the services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as 'the Service').
The User shall ensure that he/she has read and accepted this Privacy Policy before using the Service.

1. Personal data management

The Company shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and other relevant laws, guidelines and other social norms, and shall endeavour to put into practice the protection of personal data.

2. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Company will improve and refine its approach and methods for the protection and handling of personal data from time to time. For this reason, this Privacy Policy may be changed at any time without the prior consent of the user, if this is deemed necessary by the Company.
The Privacy Policy after modification shall become effective from the time it is posted in an appropriate place on the website operated by the Company, and by continuing to use the Service after modification of these Terms of Use and the individual Terms of Use, the user shall be deemed to have given valid and irrevocable consent to the modified Terms of Use and the applicable individual Terms of Use. The User shall be deemed to have given his/her valid and irrevocable consent to the modified Terms of Use and the applicable individual Terms of Use by continuing to use the Service after the modification.

Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be notified on the website and not individually to the User.

3. Acquisition of personal data

The Company obtains personal data in the following ways.

  • By receiving personal data directly from the user.
  • The method of automatically recording personal information when the user uses the service
  • By receiving the user's personal information indirectly from a third party.

4. 個人情報の利用目的

The Company uses personal data in the following ways

  • Operation of this service
  • Anti-fraud measures necessary for the operation of this service
  • Improvement and new development of this service
  • Dispatch of documents, mailings, etc. to users
  • Proposals and provision of information on various services to users
  • Various marketing activities such as distribution of advertisements to users.

5. Disclosure to users of this service.

The service discloses names, telephone numbers and other information necessary for the execution of work and the entry of documents between users who have completed an order.

6. Disclosure, correction, suspension or erasure of personal data

If a user requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use or deletion of the content of personal information, this will be handled appropriately in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

7. Provision of personal data to third parties

The Company stores and uses personal information to the extent and for the period necessary to comply with laws and regulations or to achieve the purpose of use, but does not provide personal information to third parties unless the user or his/her representative has given their consent, the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws and regulations are applicable, or one of the following applies.

  • Where the provision of personal data to a third party is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  • Where the provision of personal data is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
  • When cooperating with a state body, a local authority or a person or entity entrusted by them to carry out affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the carrying out of such affairs.
  • When confirming the legitimacy of the user's bank account or credit card with financial institutions, credit card companies, etc. in the course of credit card or other payment procedures for the use of paid services or product orders, etc.
  • When the disclosure of personal information is requested by a court of law, public prosecutor's office, police, tax office, bar association or any body with equivalent authority.

8. Scope of disclosure of personal data between users.

In order to ensure the smooth use of the service, information is disclosed between users in accordance with the table below.

Photo-Videographer/Drone Pilot
Disclosed to creators who are logged in.
Disclosed to creators who are logged in.
corporate name
Disclosure to creators in contact.
Disclosure to clients in contact.
Disclosure to creators in contact.
Disclosure to clients in contact.
Place of residence (prefecture)
Disclosure to creators in contact.
Telephone number
Disclosed to creators who are logged in.
Disclosure to clients in contact.
Disclosed to creators who are logged in.
Date of birth
not disclosed
Disclose year of birth (when set to public)

5 May 2022 Enacted and entered into force
30 September 2022 Enacted and entered into force
9 March 2023 Enacted and entered into force
1 September 2023 Enacted and entered into force

Professional Photo-Videographer and Drone Pilot