List of recommended professional photographers who can speak English
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List of recommended professional photographers who can speak English

We will introduce photographers who can respond in English, such as shooting at foreign-affiliated companies and shooting foreign tourists.
TOTTA is a cameraman matching service that allows you to search for professional photographers whose job is photography and directly request photography.

It is also possible to exchange messages directly in English.

Okabayashi Hongdae Photographer (Kyoto)

Professional photographer living in Kyoto Prefecture.

He is bilingual in English and Japanese, and has plenty of experience abroad.

Okabayashi Hongdae cameraman's profile page

Kawasaki cameraman (Aichi)

A female photographer who specializes in business photography and lives in Aichi Prefecture.

My job is shooting business trips for companies, clinics, stores, real estate, etc., and I am good at shooting portraits.

English conversation is possible, and shooting support for foreign models is also possible.

Kawasaki cameraman's profile page

I wrote the article

Hiroki Yamamoto

CEO of Delta Creative Co., Ltd. /Photographer
He started taking cameras by himself, and has been active as a cameraman since he was a student, focusing on press photography. After working in the photography department for magazines and online media, he has been freelancing since 2011. We are involved in the development and operation of TOTTA. Born in Hiroshima.
Click here to request a photo shoot (photo office deltaphoto)


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